Orthoceras Towers and Bowls

Orthoceras Towers and Bowls

from £7.00

We stock a striking collection of standing Orthoceras towers of various sizes and beautiful polished bowls (also in different sizes).

Ancient fossil squids will add a new segment to your collection, decorative scheme, or just conversation pieces. Orthoceras are a species of extinct squid type creatures that were members of a group called ORTHOCONE NATILOIDS.
From the Devonian period they are approximately 400 million years old.

  • Have protective properties

  • Increase life span, reduce toxins, anxiety, stress, balance the emotions, builds confidence

  • Containing physical and supernatural healing powers

  • They encourage a sense of pride and success in matters of business

  • Healers use fossils to enhance telepathy and stimulate the mind. Traditionally, fossils have been for reducing tiredness, fatigue, digestive disorders, and rheumatism.

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